
Our pricing is designed to scale with your business. Get started for free, then grow with us.


Generate 5 videos per month.
/ Month
  • 10 credits / month
  • Unlimited Text & Media Changes
  • 5 voices (male and female)
  • Stock Footage & Custom Footage
  • Regenerate Voice Script
  • AI-Generated Images
  • GoVidify Watermark


Most Popular
Everything in Hobby plus.
/ Month
  • 30 credits / month.
  • Add up to 3 team members
  • 20 voices (male and female)
  • AI-Generated Images
  • Regenerate Voice Script
  • HD Resolution
  • Remove Watermark


Everything in Growth plus.
/ Month
  • 70 credits / month.
  • Add up to 10 team members
  • Create multiple organizations
  • AI-Generated Images
  • 45 voices (male and female)
  • Custom Watermark
  • Priority customer support