14-day Refund Policy

The refund policies of Screenshot Coder are designed to be fair and transparent. We understand that sometimes, the AI-generated videos may not meet your expectations. In such cases, we offer a clear and straightforward refund process outlined in the sections below.

Our Money Back Guarantee

We guarantee your satisfaction. If you are unhappy with the AI-generated videos created using GoVidify, we are more than happy to provide you with a full refund. Alternatively, in some cases, we may offer to redo your AI-generated videos from your text inputs to better meet your expectations.

What Doesn't Qualify for a Refund

  • Poor Quality Inputs or Text Content: If after manually reviewing your AI-generated video scripts or content we find that they don't meet the criteria for successful AI-video generations, we're not obligated to refund your money. We may, however, offer to redo the AI-generated videos while clarifying the best practices.
  • Partial Satisfaction: Liking some, but not all, of the AI-generated videos does not qualify for a refund. As you are able to edit your generated videos and customize it to your liking.
  • Time Limit: We can only process refund requests submitted within 14 days of purchase.

How Long Do Refunds Take

We will review and respond to refund requests, based on this policy, within 1-3 business days. If your refund is approved, the funds should be back on your card within 5-10 business days. Refunds will be processed back to the original payment method used during purchase; we cannot refund to a different account.

How To Request a Refund

To apply for a refund, kindly email us at support@govidify.ai. When contacting us about a refund, please include the email address you used when purchasing your subscription.